
Why Your local hardware store is NOT the place you should go in the apocalypse.

When people learn of the nature of this blog, 9 times out of 10, when asked where would you hide in a zombie apocalypse,  the person responds with something along the lines of:

 “ Duhh that’s easy! Bunnings (Home Depot etc.)”

First and last Mistake.....

Every time they have to have it explained to them why this is a horrible idea. First of all because if 9 out of 10 people we ask have the same idea, it’s a fair assumption that 90% of the population also have the same idea. Imagine 90% of the population heading in great hordes to your nearest hardware store in a zombie outbreak and you have your first reason to avoid these stores, and when the fear sets in and people start tearing limbs off to get the last chainsaw on the shelves you’ll regret even thinking this was a good idea.

The second reason is of course exposure. Human nature is bad throw the chance of exposure to the cause of the pandemonium and somewhere that everyone is going and you have yourself a flashpoint. This is not somewhere you want to be for the POSSIBILITY of getting your hands on some tools, if you manage to get through the panicked, chaotic and fear fuelled crowds. Add to this that my local Bunnings can only be accessed by a single road. Which will end up looking like the highway in the Walking dead.

So now that I’ve destroyed your action plan for the coming Zombie apocalypse, I suppose it would only be good manners to give you plan B. So you’re after some tools/weapons capable of furthering your helps of survival in the modern wasteland that is the zombie apocalypse. The answer is simple.

The trusty Garden shed or Garage

If you don’t own one or its filled with books, chairs and the remnants of child hood pets like your goldfish tank and rabbit cage that will serve no purpose in the zombie apocalypse, your neighbours or parents wouldn’t mind I’m sure if you raided theirs or usually within a short radius of you someone will have a shed/garage. More often then not these treasure troves are in plain site and could contain more than you will need. Tools, Weapons and more [with varying levels of success]

So if I have done nothing but destroy your action plan and got you thinking where to now then you can thank me later when you realise I just saved your life!




  1. I liked how this started: "don't do what everyone else is going to do, you'll likely be overpowered and exposed to outbreak." But to just blindly assume that people have a useful collection of tools "in the shed out back" is terrible writing, and alienates the audience from your scenario.

    1. I understand where you're coming from and I should have specified,within say a four house radius of where you live, someone would have a shed/garage or a storage cupboard in apartments all with varying levels of equipment, Old Mrs Dorris may only have a spade and hedge clippers for her roses but it's a start and this piece was about your first port of call. whereas Old mrs Gladdis down the road may have a saw, axe or chainsaw as she is a bit fitter than Mrs Dorris. Hope I'm making sense?
